- I understand that if I miss my scheduled class or if I am removed from the class for violating the rules, I will have to re-register and pay an additional class fee.
- I agree to NOT drive a vehicle while viewing the class, and that my children will not be in the same room with me during the class.
- I agree that I will pay full attention to the class and will not attend during a time when I may have work or other distracting responsibilities.
- I agree to have my video on and face in the screen (in “selfie mode”) for the entire class, except during class breaks.
- I understand that co-parents are required to register and each pay separately for the class.
- I understand that my co-parent and I must attend on separate devices if we are attending the same Basic or Spanish class on the same date and time, to avoid confusion about which parent is actually attending the class. Co-parents CANNOT attend the advanced workshop together.
- I agree that I will have my legal first and last name on the video screen so the observer can account for me being in the class. I also understand that I can use only my first name and last initial, if I am not comfortable sharing my whole name. I will have to chat with the observer using the online chat feature (at www.cnfc.org) so he/she can verify who I am to ensure I receive a certificate of completion.
- If you have a personal pronoun preference, please list that in parentheses on your video screen after your name so the presenters and observers can honor your preference.
- I agree that to receive my certificate of attendance, I will listen for the 4-digit PIN code that will be given one number at a time during the class.
- I understand that I need to sign into the class 30 minutes prior to class start in case I have technical difficulties. If I wait until the class has begun, I may not be able to get in on time and will have to register for another class. Classes are typically closed 10 minutes after instruction has begun.
- I understand that I will receive two confirmation emails to the address on my registration, with instruction on how to get into the class as well as who to contact if I have difficulty. I will check my SPAM folder if I do not see these in my inbox. If I still cannot locate these emails, I will reach out to [email protected] BEFORE the day of the class for assistance. I also understand that when the class ends, I will get an email about how to obtain my certificate of completion.
- I understand that for best class experience, I should download the Zoom app to my device. Otherwise, I am more likely to have technical difficulties.
- I agree that if I experience any technical difficulties during the class, I will contact the Live Chat on the www.cnfc.org website for assistance.
- I agree that if I cannot attend the class I registered for, I must cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the class start or else I will have to register and pay for another class option.
- I agree that if I assisted someone with their registration or registered for them, I will share these Class Rules and Policies with them before the day of class.
- I understand that CNFC does not file certificates with the court. It is my responsibility to ensure that the certificate of completion I receive after attending the class becomes part of my case file in the appropriate county.